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The book of joy.. lasting happiness in a changing world
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Item Description

Nobel Peace Prize Laureates His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have endure over fifty years of exile and the spirit pounding viciousness of abuse. Regardless of their difficulties - or, as they would agree, as a result of them - they are two of the most upbeat individuals on earth.

In April 2015, Archbishop Tutu made a trip to the Dalai Lama's home in Dharamsala, India, to observe His Holiness' 80th birthday celebration and to make this book as a present for other people. They thought back on their long lives to respond to a solitary consuming inquiry: how would we track down euphoria notwithstanding life's unavoidable affliction?

They exchanged close stories, prodded each other ceaselessly and shared their otherworldly practices. Before a week's over loaded up with giggling and interspersed with tears, these two worldwide legends had gazed into the pit and lose faith in regards to our times and uncovered how to carry on with a daily existence overflowing with bliss.

This book offers us an intriguing an open door to encounter their shocking and remarkable week together, from the main hug to the last farewell.

Language - English

Paper back - 252 page 

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