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OIR Test & PPDT - SSB Interview Screening Test - Stage 1 Testing
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This book by ssbcrack is another evidence of efforts by our authors to provide quality guidance to the ssb aspirants. This book by ssbcrack was started with a purpose to be a torchbearer for the defence aspirants by introducing them to the concepts and testing procedures of stage 1 or screening test I.E. Oir test and ppdt. Our books have been known to guide and provide a comprehensive and detailed outlook about the ssb testing procedure that takes place at the services selection board. It is quite evident by the stage 1 rejection ratio of the ssbs that most of the defence aspirants are still trying to figure out the in-depth analysis of screening stage testing. This book will cover all the facets of the testing done at the ssbs during day 1 and will introduce you to the concepts and significance of all the tests in a way never told before. The context of the book is all in alignment with a comprehensive and methodological approach with regard to the stage 1 testing also known as the screening test. This book has been written in way that caters the interests of a fresher as well as that of a repeater candidate as it not only covers the requirements and to-be-done things from the perspective of a candidate but also covers all the avenues of the stage 1 testing in individual parts such as story writing, narration and group discussion. The book steals the perspective from the eyes of a candidate and presents you with the aim to reconnect it in a similar way. The picture perception and discussion test is also known as ppdt is covered in its entirety and have left nothing for the aspirants to dwell upon later.

Language - English

Paperback - 495

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